How To Write a Finance Resume

on 12:03 PM


The basic steps to keep in mind while writing a finance resume are the same as with any resume. Always give a way to be contacted, make your objectives clear, demonstrate past experience in the field you are applying for, and highlight the skills that you can bring to the job position you are seeking. For a finance resume, your objective, skills, and past work experience are particularly important, as those two fields can prove that you are an expert in the finance field.

A well-written finance resume should begin by listing your contact information at the top of the document. Avoid fancy fonts and frilly decorations when designing this part of the document. You want to look professional, and frilly and colorful do not lend themselves to professional very well.

The next section of your finance resume should clearly state your objective; this is where you will state the type of finance job you are after. It is preferred when stating your objective to be as precise and direct as possible. Avoid providing vague statements such as "I wish to be gainfully employed in a position where I can best utilize my skills." Of course you do, but your goal should be tailored to the position you are applying for. This will take more time, but vague objectives make the writer look lazy and unprofessional.

The objective should be followed with a section where you list a summary of your qualifications. This section should include three or four major finance skills that you want to bring to the hiring manager's immediate attention.

Immediately following the qualifications section, you should list your relevant work history in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent position. Always list at least two or three responsibilities or skills learned from each job position, and only detail job positions that are relevant to the position you are seeking.

While the bulk of your finance resume will be devoted to highlighting your skills and work experience, the next section should list your educational history. Any special licensing or certificates should go into the educational section. The last section of the finance resume should list your references. These should be approved ahead of time, and should clearly list the names and contact information of at least three people who can vouch for your financial expertise.


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